Works on Sexuality and Identity


Kink, BDSM, and Intimacy

Fill That Hole flute and soprano 18’

Le Bunker installation

UNBOUND opera (TBBB voices and electronics), 60’

You’re Not the Boss of Me installation with harpsichord and soundtrack

Contact live mural, nude model-performers, remixed contact mic sounds 35-40'

Augurs of Spring video with soundtrack 8’

Under My Skin Interactive sound sculpture with MaxMSP controls and Wii Remote (time variable)

Tame Your Man piano, electronics, narrator(s) and rope bondage artist 27’

Gender Identity and LGBTQ+ Storytelling

Love, Death, What Else? SATB Chorus, soloists, and piano (+ version for chorus and full orchestra), 16’

Man Up solo double bass performer (male-identified), 14’

Fragments string quartet, percussion, narrator 8.5'

Self Portrait with Theorbo solo theorbo 5’

At The Parade SATB Chorus with solos 4’30”

Time and the Villa guitar and cello 8'

Mountains and Rivers four SATB choruses, handbells, and two trumpets 7'

Four Lovers bassoon and percussion 10’